Generator external combustion educational toy reveals the principle of perpetual motion machine|StirlingKit

Do you know perpetual motion machines? A hypothetical mechanical device that can keep moving forever without external energy input. Some people have claimed that they can completely convert thermal energy into mechanical energy without any loss. Solar generators are completely in line with their views on perpetual motion machines. They not only protect the environment, but also do not consume energy. In order to verify this idea and popularize and educate about this wonderful energy conversion process, Doctor fision purchased a StirlingKit external combustion engine generator. Can the heat energy generated by a small amount of alcohol make the machine run quickly? How high is the conversion efficiency of thermal energy and computers? Can perpetual motion really be achieved?

Doctor fision couldn't wait to start this interesting experiment, but he was shocked as soon as he opened the package. A palm-sized device came into view (can such a small model really complete the experiment? Isn't this a small toy for children?). Let alone perpetual motion machines, even getting this machine to work is a problem, right? The assembly and experiment were completed quickly in the video, and the experimental results obviously did not achieve the effect of a perpetual motion machine, but it undoubtedly clearly demonstrated the efficiency of the product's thermal energy conversion into kinetic energy from another perspective, which is efficient and durable.

The idea of ​​a perpetual motion machine is undoubtedly an idealized concept that violates the laws of nature and is impossible to achieve in reality. However, the efficiency of a StirlingKit external combustion engine in converting heat energy into electrical energy is very high. If we have two, three, four... or everyone has a StirlingKit external combustion engine to save energy, can we achieve a perpetual motion machine in another sense? Help the world obtain cleaner and more sustainable energy? The video may give you some different thoughts on energy...

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