Answers to Questions About ENJOMOR 6cc Antique Red Hit and Miss Gas Engine

1.What sizes are the button head machine screws used on the 6cc model engine? I need to get a supply of the common metric sizes used on the engines.

Answer: Hexagon socket head screws.
The four screws of the cylinder head are M2.0*12mm
The ones on the side and the flywheel are all M1.5*10mm

2. Is the piston ring made of metal? Or are they made of rubber?
Does it come with one spare sensor?Is there a total of two sensors, one equipped on the engine and a spare one? Does this engine work with Hit and Miss?

Answer: the piston ring is made of rubber. it comes with 2 sensor. 1 for spare. it's a hit and miss engine.

3.How to start this engine? I'm new to it.


Note: The engine has been adjusted throttle regulator and ignition timing switch before shipment. Please don't change it if you are a beginner.

Engine start steps:
A) Prepare 3 AA 1.5v batteries, check the engine wiring, connect the fuel tank tube, connect the battery box,
B) Fill the fuel tank with gasoline (95#). When the filling is completed, make sure that there is no air in the tubing,
C) Rotate clockwise by hand to make the mixed gasoline completely enter.
D) Rotate the flywheel, check if there is spark, the cylinder is in normal compression state, you can start,

4. How to adjust the ignition timing?

A). Check that the piston connecting rod is at the leftmost horizontal position (as shown in Figure 1)

B). Check the closing condition of the ignition switch and brass (Figure 2)

C). When both conditions are met, turn the wheel, check that the connecting rod moves to the leftmost 0.2 seconds, and there is spark, you can start the machine

(Figure 3:Throttle regulator)

D)Ground wire and spark plug wiring (Figure 4)

E) Igniter and battery box (Figure 5)

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