Stirling Engine Models , Which One is Best for You?

Stirling engines have no valves and can run on any heat source, from sunshine to ice cubes.

Interesting, right?

Stirling Engine Models can range anywhere from cheap to beautiful (and expensive!)

So, you may want to know what’s available in the world of Stirling engine models.

Stirling engine models range from do-it-yourself projects that you build from junk in your kitchen to beautifully made commercial versions that will impress your friends.

Some engines are so beautiful they rightfully belong in art museums or in private art collections.

Summary of this Article

This article lists all the major types of Stirling engines and gives one or two model examples of each type.

You may want to read this page along with our Stirling engine animations page to get a better feel for how they work and which ones you are most interested in.

Some of the engines feature here are ready-to-run, others are kit engines and a one is a one of a kind work of art.

Click on any of the links to jump to that section:

  1. External Combustion Engine
  2. Creative Stirling Engine
  3. Low Temperature Stirling Engine
  4. Balance Stirling Engine
  5. Suction Type Stirling Engine
  6. Steam Engine Model
  7. Double-cylinder Stirling Engine
  8. 4-cylinder Stirling Engine
  9. Engine Model

External Combustion Engine

Creative Stirling Engine

Low Temperature Stirling Engine

Balance Stirling Engine

Suction Type Stirling Engine

Steam Engine Model

Double-cylinder Stirling Engine

4-cylinder Stirling Engine

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It also is a great place to leave your comments on (and a link to) any favorite models that you have.



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